Wednesday, May 2, 2007



med'al, a stamped coin. pen'cil, used for writing.
med'dle, to interfere. pen'sile, hanging.
mi'nor, one under age. pet'ty, small; little.
mi'ner, a worker in mines. pet'it', a term in law.
mit'y, full of mites. pom'ace, ground apples.
might'y, powerful. pum'ice, a spongy stone.
na'val, of ships. rig'or, severity; stiffness.
na'vel, the central part. rig'ger, one who rigs.
cen'sor, one who censures. suck'er, a kind of fish.
cens'er, a pan for incense. suc'cor, help; assistance.
pan'nel, a kind of saddle. sur'plus, excess.
pan'el, a jury roll. sur'pluce, a clerical dress.

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