Sunday, May 6, 2007

Rebecca Sitton Spelling

Rebecca Sitton Spelling

More Rebecca Sitton Spelling articles and resources

Rebecca Sitton Spelling at the Teacher Place at Charlotte Public Schools.

Rebecca Sitton Spelling at Technorati.

Rebecca Sitton Spelling at Flagstaff Arizona School - Ms. Lara's Fifth Grade Class.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Words formed by the prefixes out and over

Words formed by the prefixes out and over.

out brave' o ver reach' o'ver board
out grow' o ver awe' o'ver alls
out pour' o ver flow' o'ver night
out talk' o ver freight' o'ver sight

Counter, from the Latin contra, against.

coun'ter pane coun'ter sign coun ter move'
coun'ter feit coun'ter point coun ter weight'

Extra (Latin), beyond.

ex tra ju di'cial ex tra phys'ic al
ex tra pro vin'cial ex tra trop'ic al

rebecca sitton

rebecca sitton

rebecca sitton

rebecca sitton
*click on the teacher to access Rebecca Sitton Spelling. During the 2000-2001 school year, Nash first grade teachers used the Sitton Spelling Program. ...



med'al, a stamped coin. pen'cil, used for writing.
med'dle, to interfere. pen'sile, hanging.
mi'nor, one under age. pet'ty, small; little.
mi'ner, a worker in mines. pet'it', a term in law.
mit'y, full of mites. pom'ace, ground apples.
might'y, powerful. pum'ice, a spongy stone.
na'val, of ships. rig'or, severity; stiffness.
na'vel, the central part. rig'ger, one who rigs.
cen'sor, one who censures. suck'er, a kind of fish.
cens'er, a pan for incense. suc'cor, help; assistance.
pan'nel, a kind of saddle. sur'plus, excess.
pan'el, a jury roll. sur'pluce, a clerical dress.

rebecca sitton
Rebecca Sitton - Non-Fiction - Compare Prices, Reviews and Buy at ...Rebecca Sitton - 21 results like the Rebecca Sitton's Spelling Sourcebook, Rebecca Sitton's Sourcebook: Grade 2-6 Practice Books, Rebecca Sitton's ...


rebecca sitton

Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.

rebecca sitton spelling

rebecca sitton spelling

Words nearly alike in Sound, to be carefully distinguished.

as say' es say' ep'ic ep'och
de cease' dis ease' bea'con beck'on
de scent' dis sent' coffin cough'ing
de vice' de vise' grist'ly gris'ly
huz za' hus sar' di'vers di'verse
in tense' in tents' cho'ral cor'al
a loud' al lowed' gant'let gaunt'let
im merse' a merce' mu'sic mu'cic
af fect' ef fect' rad'ish red'dish
e lude' al lude' sculp'tor sculpt'ure
Cas'tile cast'-steel hum'ble um'bel

rebecca sitton
First Graders are expected to learn words 1-35 by the end of the school year. By the end of second grade, students should know words 1-102. Rebecca Sitton ...

Words frequently mispronounced.

Words frequently mispronounced.

for'tress dan'druff prod'uce con cise'
car'bine fran'chise com'bat dis own'
chlo'ride hom'age thith'er dis dain'
cof'fee rhu'barb o'nyx di vulge'
com'rade cov'ert dis arm' ex tol'
sau'cer ma'tron jo cose' for bade'
dec'ade mon'ad bour geois' suf fuse'
quin'sy pa'tron Cay enne' pos sess'
gal'lows lith'arge con tour' fare well'
mis'le par'tridge di verge' be neath'
fau'cet wa'ter di vert' re source'

rebecca sitton spelling

rebecca sitton spelling
Rebecca Sitton Spelling
Rebecca Sitton's High-Frequency Writing Words. These high-frequency ... help your child improve his/her spelling by insisting that they "look up" and ...

rebecca sitton spelling

Rebecca Sitton Spelling

Rebecca Sitton Spelling

sitton spelling
2nd Grade Spelling
Rebecca Sitton Spelling Program Introducing Spelling" (pdf file) "Ideas for Word Study" and "Words to ...

sitton spelling
Third graders are again working with the Rebecca Sitton Spelling Program. It emphasizes correct spelling in everyday writing, not just for the end-of-the-week test.

rebecca sitton spelling

rebecca sitton spelling

Words liable to be misspelled.

tres'tle glu'ey ness collect'i ble'
pa paw' crys'tal line e ras'a ble
gey'ser chrys'a lis ac cor'di on
gaug'ing lach'ry mose sac er do'tal
co log'ne ker'o sene' ef fer ves'cence
qua drille' glyc'er ine tran quil'li ty
sky'ey ar'go naut com mit'ti ble
sor'ghum fore'bod'ing cor us ca'tion
sur vey' ex cheq'uer mac a ro'ni
starve'ling sib'yl line pic'ca lil li
pro'gramme sib'i lant fil'i bus ter

sitton spelling

sitton spelling

Words which in their shortest form end in _-d_, _-de_, _-ge_, _-unit_,
_-rt_, _-se_, _-sr_, take the ending _-sion_; e.g., _abscind_,
_abscission_; _include_, _inclusion_; _emerge_, _emersion_; _remit_,
_remission_; _infuse_, _infusion_; _repress_, _repression_.

All others take the ending _-tion_.

The following are irregularities:


sitton spelling
In Level One of the Sitton Spelling, three words are introduced each week and a review test, the Cloze Story Word Test, is given every third week.

sitton spelling
Word Study
In our class, we use a spelling program called Sitton Spelling . This program emphasizes the development of concepts related to our language. It is based on the most frequently used words in ...